About Us…

Established in 1926, Troop 4 has been a part of Reno for nearly a century. We are a scout led troop, meaning the kids are the ones that plan and execute the activities with the oversight of the trained leaders in the troop. This is a great opportunity for the scouts to learn effective planning and leadership during the course of an event.

We have twice monthly troop meetings during most of the school year. These events are held at the Reno Elk's Lodge from 6:30 - 8:00. This is where the troop and patrols plan their activities, learn new skills, earn merit badges, practice leadership and have fun. We encourage the parents to come to the meetings to see what their kids are doing.

We are fortunate to be chartered by the First United Methodist Church located in downtown Reno. We meet at the church for committee meetings and Courts of Honor.

Troop 4 is in the Sierra District of the Nevada Area Council.

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